Upendo Rehabilitation Center

Project achievements - summary

From July 2023 to Jan 2024, IDYDC rescued 270 CLWS (206 males, and 64 females) aged 7-17 and provided them with short-term shelter and different sessions like one-to-one sessions, grouped counseling, life skills session, and Education through COBET classes. Among 270 CLWS who were rescued were from the street and others were from the social welfare office. Out of  270 CLWS who were rescued at the Upendo rehabilitation center 217 CLWS  were re-unified with their respective families(41 females, 176 males).

Thanks to Police Fire Department for your help to the children of Upendo Centre.


The above are CLWS provided with short-term shelter at Upendo Rehabilitation Centre.


Above picture shows CLWS participating in drawing competition.


Access to HIV/AIDS services

270 CLWS (206 male and 64 female) attended Upendo Day Centre for accessing psychosocial support and informal life skills education. IDYDC center workers used different methodologies like sports and games in providing life skills sessions and building rapport in counseling children including one-to-one sessions, group discussions, and art therapy. These activities aim on preparing children for reunification.

Provision of Safe Space/Rescue Centres to CLWS:  IDYDC rescued 270 CLWS (206 male, 64female) aged 7-17 and provided them with short-term shelter and different sessions like one to one session, grouped counseling, life skills session, Education through COBET class.

Success story


Ibrahim Kabogo is a boy of 15  years who were living in Kidabaga Iringa. Ibrahim was born in Iringa living with his mother Otavina Luisa. He is a firstborn in a family of two children. He left school in 2019 when he was in standard six . The reason to drop out of school was a difficult life at home.

The life of Ibrahim was not good at home since his family faces some kind of hardest life at home, so Ibrahim decided to leave school and rushed to Iringa Kalenga where he started to work with Mama utilize as sever. He worked there all almost three months without any payment from his boss so because of this situation  Ibrahim left Kalenga to Iringa municipal where he started collecting scrap and selling it on the street. Ibrahim's dream is to improve the living condition of his family by working hard.

IDYDC street worker identified him and gave him all the needed services after one-to-one sessions and several counseling so they decided to escalate the case to the Centre worker at Upendo Centre. The center workers of IDYDC gave care to Ibrahim regarding the required services such as re-enrolling him to complimentary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET class) and for now, Ibrahim is attending the COBET class. Another thing which center worker observed to Ibrahim after being rescued to Upendo center is he need to be reunified with his family

The case was escalated to the family workers of IDYDC, family workers traced his family and build rapport with him, provide one to one counselling as a result a child decided to be reunified with his family and for now a child is living with his family while a family worker proceeds with follow up and still on an arrangement to link him in VETA for mechanic training.