About Iringa Dev. of Youth Disabled And Children Car (IDYDC)
Iringa Development of Youth Disabled and Children Care (IDYDC) is a local Non-Governmental Organization based in Iringa region southern part of Tanzania with its headquarters in Iringa Municipal. It was established in 1991 and got registered in 1994 with registration number SO. NO 7552. IDYDC acquired certificate of ‘Compliance’ No. 0843 under sec. 11(3) act No. 24 of 2002 in 2009.
The reason for establishment was to support street children and orphans by giving them a chance to get shelter and education. We have now grown and after many years of experience we have different programs on health, education, environment, women and Edu-sports. Also IDYDC exists to improve the living standards of beneficiaries in the Iringa region and other parts of Tanzania by establishing rehabilitation and vocational training centers, Football for Hope Centre, health education, care and support, a community radio station (Nuru FM), entrepreneurship support, gender equality initiatives, child labor prevention, environmental protection, water and sanitation programs, and other activities aligned with the organization’s objectives
IDYDC priority or saved 107,801 people in prevention, social, and behavior change communication (SBCC) through different programs. Our prevention efforts have reached 14,825 (F:9,942 M:4,883) people with HIV AND TB intervention. Also 76,167 people with provision of shelter, education, health, and reunification to their families; 2,163 people reached with education on alcohol harm in 2 wards of Iringa district. 14,160 youth aged 10-19 years, reached health and social change education using Football for Hope program.
We’re proud to be working with a wide range of dedicated care and support to our direct and indirect beneficiaries, children and youth groups/teams, individuals and an entire society. Collaboration from the government through villages, ward, district and region level to the faith community, there a genuine groundswell and focus on seeing behaviour changes, wellbeing, improved social-economic and reduction of children living and working in streets (CLWS).
You can donate anything if you are touched by the services we provide to the community, because the needs are still great so your support will have done a great thing for the community