IDYDC, through the JIFUNZE UELEWE project, has provided education to Community education mobilizers (CEMS)on the creation of a community action plan, the importance of a safe and inclusive environment for students in schools, and the creation of outside the school learning spaces. see more.
In order to ensure the message of safe and inclusive learning reaches the larger number of beneficiaries, IDYDC have started to use radio program as an approach to create awareness to the communities so that we can realize impacts to the larger community.
The following are key issues accomplished on using Radio platform:
- Consulting IDYDC’s Nuru FM radio as an engagement stage – IDYDC technical team approached the ‘Nuru FM’ Radio programs manager and discussed how to work together on reaching the communities with the intended messages relating to safe and inclusion, reading platforms, Ubongo Content uptakes and action plans drafting and implementation.
- Developing scripts to be used as a guideline for production of jingles, and live and recorded radio shows- The scripts have already produced and shared to the USAID Jifunze Uelewe program’s communication department from HQ for final technical advice and approvals.
- Attending live radio show (segment Malezi on Monday 10:00 -11:00 am and Watoto tuzungumze on Saturday 10:00 – 11:00 am); IDYDC project staffs used the opportunity to attend live radio shows through Radio FM station (Nuru FM) to create awareness on establishing reading centers, implementing community action plans, and issues of safety and inclusivity to the general community. These shows help to support CEMs on their work they supposed to do in the community.